Reservoir guvs and a random key

Still waiting for a reply to the letter I fired off to the Sloven governors at the beginning of the year. (Governors of NHS Trusts hold the non executive directors to account for the performance of the board and represent the interests of the public.) In a brief moment of optimism and with a ‘it’s a new day’ sort of (short lived) feeling. First post of the year in fact. It still took hours, and plenty of tears, to write. Silly me…

There is a complication for the Sloven governors, though. The thorny, triumvirate issue, raised at the extraordinary board meeting in January by a member of the public. He asked the question; 

When will this Board purge Southern Health of the pernicious influences of Hampshire Community Healthcare? 

There was no answer to the question of course. The board chair is also chair of the governors and one of the pernicious influences referred to. What are the Sloven governors to do? Step up robustly and represent the interests of the public? Or coast along ‘performing’ governorship for an easy life? I dunno. I’ve no idea why people choose to become governors or what the selection process is. Is it CV boosting? Altruistic? Fodder for showing off to family, mates and colleagues? An intention to improve practices?

Whatever, the Sloven bunch are dropping like flies caught behind sun ridden glass with a stinking carcass. Over a third of posts are currently vacant:

sloven govsMencap dispute there ever was a Mencap governor but Sloven insist on a Mencap vacancy remaining. Oh, and (at least) one of the Staff Governors has blocked us on twitter.  Awkward, awkward, awkward*.

We’re moving offices tomorrow. I spent much of today packing. It was pretty upsetting as I kept coming across stuff about LB. Mostly official stuff; applying for benefits, core assessments from the pre-transition social worker [howl] and some more cheering #107day bits. I came across this envelope which had a key inside. No other info.

image (22)

I packed it with the rest of the stuff despite strict instructions to downsize for the new building. I’m a bit of a hoarder but couldn’t help thinking we’ve more chance of finding out what door this key fits than answers to anything else relating to LB. It’s all so deeply, deeply wrong.

*For anyone thinking it’s wrong to name and shame the Sloven guv list here, these are public posts. LB died an unspeakable death in unspeakable circumstances. We all know this. I’ve not named (or blamed) staff below consultant level on this blog (not sure I’ve even named consultants but can’t be arsed to check). Until people who take on roles that involve holding people to account actually step up and act, crap all is going to happen. People will keep dying or experiencing barbaric and inhumane lives. I hope to receive a response to my letter from the remaining Sloven governors soon.

In the meantime, if anyone recognises this key and know what it unlocks, let me know.

14 thoughts on “Reservoir guvs and a random key

  1. Sara – you cannot be intelligent and robust and expect to be a Governor! The Trust executives can veto membership of the Trust: if they do not allow you to become a member, you cannot stand for election as a Governor! The Execs rule, OK!

    Talking of Appointed Governors, Joy and Lewzey from the two Councils both gave me their Council business cards after the governors’ meeting – complete with their home telephone numbers – next I get is an email from the Chairman accusing me of wholly inappropriate conduct in contacting Appointed Governors at home. It appears that at least one of them – rather than holding NEDs (love that acronym) to account and representing the public – entrap complainants and then ‘dob them in’ to the NEDs. Great governance! Sloven seems to think it can stop complainants from exercising their democratic rights to contact Councillors – and we pay our Council Tax!

    Did you know that your sensitive medical data can get into the hands of an NHS Trust, which does not know you and has never treated you – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust – nor did I until last Friday – mind you I’ve found an ex-Inspector of Taxes, who’s worked in the private sector (not health) and is now Company Secretary and Director of Oxford Health. A replacement for Katrina Percy???

    • Dear Governors of SHFT

      I was a NED of a pre-foundation status NHS Trust for a number of years.

      When I arrived there had been a cull of NEDS due to challenges made by them, on the governance of the Trust by the at the time CE and Chairman. I was warned by residual NED to keep my head down if I was to keep my role. Not unusual I heard from many other NEDS in other Trusts at this time. I did not keep my head down and my years at the Trust were pretty miserable.

      I found the people who served this lovely warm local community, the doctors, nurses and everyone else to be absolutely magnificent. It was a local community served and treated by its own, I suspect that is what is happening where you are.

      The greatest weight could be falling on those who are already doing more than their share, and possibly most of all on those who work hardest and are paid the least; the people and places in the Trust where I found the most compassion and humanity. You have the been given power to change this and make your hospital a happier and safer place for your patients and for your people.

      As someone who knows how hard this will be, for some on your Governing group will want to keep their status but not do the job, for whatever reason. And possibly, some of your NEDS are just poor choices as are perhaps some of the Execs ? You will have come to some conclusion about this.

      Standing alone in face of incompetent or selfish opposition is very a scary lonely place, but you have POWER and it is given to you for the protection and betterment of the sick and vulnerable people of your community.

      I wish you well and I hope you will just get on and use it.
      My best wishes.
      Thank you.

      • Have you actually sent the above to the Governors at SHNFT? If not, it would be enormously helpful for you to do so and let us know – the email address is Be interesting to see if/when the governors receive it. .

        As a cross-check – to ensure at least two receive it, could copy it to:
        Cllr Andrew Joy (
        Cllr Paul Lewzey at
        There is nothing wrong in that – they represent Councils and their email addresses are in the public domain on the Council’s websites.

        However, the problem at SHNFT is that, In my opinion, the great majority of SHNFT’s Governors are lily-livered lap-dogs to the Board.

        Whey else, on 1 September 2015 would they award a new-3-year contract to a NED first appointed in 2009 as a Non-Executive Director of Hampshire PCT, specifically to support the provider arm, Hampshire Community Health Care, as a Board member and Audit Committee chair; who then transferred to Southern Health Foundation Trust at its inception in April 2011.

        In short, he had (metaphorically) been in bed with Katrina Percy for 6 years – throughout the period of the Mazars ‘Death Review’ – and he is handed a new 3- year contract just before the report was due for publication. The very least the Governors should have given him was just a 4-month extension to his existing contract and then not renewed it once the truth was out. Now ‘Honest’ John Spires will probably get a fat fee for breach of contract.

        If you have sent them this email already, please let us know.

  2. Holding to account. Our local family advocacy group – Family Voice Peterborough – had a nice little photo shoot with local MP, Stewart Jackson – posted on their FB page – what had he done to deserve this publicity? Helped them choose the colour of their office paint – duck egg blue – wonder if it was left over from painting his swimming pool. He left. Presumably to vote to slash ESA by £30. Fat lot of good they are going to be – supporting families – in drilling down to the truth, fighting for human rights and common decency. But well embedded in the corridors of power. Frippery. So sorry Sara – love my boy.

      • Apologies Crash. Was brevity rather than etc… I am sure all Governors will read it here ?

        Am dealing with a shockingly great huge horrible crises. Happened to my son’s LD room mate while I was away.
        I am dealing with police etc etc …….etc ….

  3. I’m a disabled woman of 38 with some learning difficulties (dyscalculia, dysgraphia, the stuff they didn’t have names for in the 80s that was labelled ‘SEN’ and ‘brain damage’) some of which was probably Complex PTSD. undiagnosed autism and the like. Oh and a Master Degree. I came across your blog about LB because I am a disabled activist but as a person born in Hants I’m also one of the lucky ones and escaped a care home by the skin of my teeth. I am so very sorry about LB. It is Victorian and barbaric and of course it will repeat again and again (as it is meant to)
    I wish I could mention the issue I need to here but I am afraid of the consequences.

  4. The important key, to freedom for our loved ones, is accountability.

    Our governments, have conspired for over 30 years, to remove it, and as has happened silently, privatise most, well the most lucrative, NHS services, mental, probably, being the most.

    Venture capital will, eventually, take over, all these provisions, and become, as unaccountable, and chargable as an audit statistic.

    Many commissioned NHS contracts expired in 2015, and many run for even decades, despite the changes in need.

    I believe non executive directors get on average £45,000 for a two day week. Governors get expenses, kickbacks and establishment kudos.

    What do we, and our children get, for all our taxes , and statutory duty, that pays for all this, and the average £4,000 a week to treat our children ?

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