
Meeting the Mazars didn’t really pan out as we were expecting. But here I want to focus on the positive stuff. The #justiceforLB advent calendar kicked off last week and really… how bloody brilliant is it?  Nine days in and we’ve had three films; Tom and Rich chatting about LB, reflections from Santa on the #LBBill and a fab new (proper) film from the My Life My Choice crew slamming home the message that disabled people aren’t benefit scroungers. We’ve premiered some of the Postcards of Awesome, featured some iconic campaign images, been on the road to do the #hairhack workshop, had a #WeLDNs twitter chat about the Bill and crowdsourced pictures of the #yearofthebus trail in London.

And we’ve announced that the Justice quilt will be exhibited at the People’s History Museum in Manchester from 1-22nd April 2015. This is so unbelievably fab that we almost can’t believe it in the Justice shed. Chunky Stan has always been ‘Stan, dog of the people’ and LB had such a love of history that, along with the Rodgers school buses, the Earthline Scania heavy haulage trucks, the police involvement and his rocking legal team, the pieces could not fit together better for the quirky young dude with a smile that lit up the universe.

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